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In a world where everyone is so busy, it can be easy to get caught up in other people's priorities. The thing is, when we let our friends, family and partners become a priority in our lives, we're actually allowing them to control us.

When you've got someone in your life who's constantly pushing their way to the front of the line, it can be hard not to let them take over. But if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life, you need to learn how to put yourself first, and to do just that you will need to drew boundaries in your life. I know for some of you it would sound harsh or it doesn't fit in your believes and that's because you've been conditioned to believe it. you see when you let people become a priority in your life, you're actually allowing them to control you. know one should have the power over you but you!

You will never be able to live your best life if you don't learn how to put yourself first. I know it’s hard because we all want to be loved and accepted by others, but the truth is that if someone is constantly trying to push their way into your life, then chances are they don't care about you as much as they say they do. You’re not a priority, and you shouldn't let them treat you like one. I bet if you were to ask those people why they don't respect your time or space, they would say it's because they care about you so much that they don't want to miss out on anything in your life.

But here's the thing: If someone really cared about you, then wouldn't they understand that by constantly being around them you'll lose the ability to be an individual? You won’t have time for yourself and your needs. You won’t have time to develop yourself as a person, and you won’t be able to give that person the love they deserve. A true friend ,partner,husband,wife and family member will respect your boundaries and understand that sometimes it's better to let something go than push so hard that it gets broken.

Before entering a relationship, set your boundaries

We all have different needs and wants, but when we prioritize the people around us over ourselves, we're letting them control our lives. It's important to remember that you are an individual with needs and desires of your own, and if someone wants something from you that doesn't fit into those categories—whether it's time or money or attention—then they can't expect you to give it up. You have the right to set boundaries and say no, so if someone is asking you to do something that you don't want to do, then don't feel bad about turning them down. Even if they start to use guilt on you do not back down, because it's not your responsibility to please everyone around you. You should only do what makes you happy, and if someone tries to pressure you into doing something that doesn't make you feel good then they aren't worth your time. What i mean to say is you shouldn’t have to chase or beg nobody for your friendship and love—and if someone isn't making an effort to be there for you, then they're not worth your time. If someone is ditching out on plans with you last minute or blowing off phone calls without any real reason as to why, then don't feel bad about cutting them out of your life. You shouldn’t have to chase or beg nobody for your friendship and love—and if someone isn't making an effort to be there for you, then they're not worth your time.

There are two things you should never have to chase:


There is nothing worse than having to beg someone for attention or affection. And while sometimes people just need time on their own or space in their lives, sometimes they're just not interested in you anymore. If someone repeatedly ignores or brushes off your attempts at communication, don't waste your time trying anymore — there are plenty of other people out there who would love it if you gave them a chance!If someone isn't making an effort to be there for you, then they're not worth your time. If someone doesn't want to talk to you or spend time with you, then it's probably for a good reason. It's not worth your time trying to convince them otherwise — if they don't want anything to do with you, it means that there is someone else out there who does!


--If you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't want to spend time with you or only wants to be with you when they feel like it and on their own time. if they keep telling you that you are depressed or you imagining things like cheating on you with another and when you try to confront them they lie or deny it, if your love ones has stopped caring about what you think or feel and is only focused on their own needs.If you love ones is making excuses or blaming you for everything and refusing to take any responsibility for their actions, if your love one has stopped respecting what you think and feel and only cares about their own needs THEN IT'S TIME TO LET THEM GO! But when you do realize it's time to leave this relationship is only when you learned the true meaning of love and when you realize that this person doesn’t deserve your time or emotional energy.

Make the best use of your energy.

My point is Don't waste your energy begging people to change their minds — if they're not interested, move on and find someone who is! Or better yet use that energy to create, trust, grow,manifest, glow and heal yourself Now I know it's easier said than done but believe me its better alternative than to stay in relationships that is toxic. people will always find the time for someone who they interested and cares about.If you truly want to be with someone who cares about your feelings, opinions and has respect for you, then what you need to start doing is apply them on yourself respect yourself enough to not stay in a relationship that is toxic — and that means from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed. If you don’t have respect for yourself, how can you expect someone else to? You need to stop putting up with people who treat you poorly, because they will never change unless they want it themselves.

i hope you find someone who smile at you when you walk in the door. Someone who find beauty in your scars or someone who never leave you guessing someone that will always communicate how they feel about you, someone who is not afraid to show you how much he loves you and give you pieces of their time but its entirely i hope you find someone who knows how special you are and know to love you the way you like to be loved but most of all I hope you find all of this things in yourself first so when that person comes you will be ready to except that kind of love.Here are two things that you should never have to chase:


Nothing is worse than having to beg for attention from someone. There are times when people just need space in their lives or time on their own, while there are other times when they are no longer interested in you. If someone repeatedly ignores or brushes off your attempts at communication, don't waste your time trying to reach out to them - there are plenty of other people out there who would appreciate your attention! An individual who doesn't make an effort to be there for you isn't worth your time. It's likely that someone is not interested in talking to you or spending time with you for a reason. In any case, if they don't want anything to do with you, it means that someone else does!


-If you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't want to spend time with you or only wants to be with you when they feel like it, if your love one is cheating on you with another and when you try to confront them they lie or deny it, if your love one has stopped caring about what you think or feel and is only focused on their own needs.If you lover one is making excuses or blaming you for everything and refusing to take any responsibility for their actions, if you love one has stopped respecting what you think and feel and only cares about their own needs THEN IT'S TIME TO LET THEM GO!

You shouldn't waste your energy begging people to change their minds - if they aren't interested, move on and find someone who is! Alternatively, use that energy to create, trust, grow, manifest, glow, and heal yourself. I know it's easier said than done, but it's better than staying in toxic relationships. You will always find time for someone you care about and are interested in. When you truly want to be with someone who cares about your feelings, opinions and respects you, you need to start applying them to yourself. You need to respect yourself enough to avoid being in a toxic relationship from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep. If you don’t have respect for yourself, how can you expect someone else to? You need to stop putting up with people who treat you poorly, because they will never change unless they want it themselves.

My hope for you

Whenever you walk in the door, I hope you are greeted by someone who smiles at you. A person who finds beauty in your scars or a person who doesn't leave you guessing, a person who always communicates what they feel about you, a person who is not afraid to show you how much he loves you and to share his time with you. I hope you find someone who knows how special you are and knows to love you the way you like to be loved, but above all, I hope you find these qualities within yourself first so you are prepared to accept love of that kind.

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Gary Harper
Gary Harper
Mar 21, 2023

Well Wise 🦉 woods indeed❤️

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